At Flying Pig Designs, we want to make the product development process as seamless as possible. That’s why we employ great engineers, offer diverse services, and treat our machines like part of the team. Learn more about our laser welder in this blog!

Name: Laser Wolf

Equipment: LaserStar iWeld 990

Function: Laser welder

Favorite Food: Metals and alloys 

Hobbies: Welding with precision

Fun Fact: I’ve got great eyesight (no carrots required)!

If you need precision welding for wiring, mechanical assembly welds, and more, Laser Wolf gets the job done! Reach out to discuss your project or hear more about our welding capabilities.

(720) 627-7778

555 Alter St. STE 19-D Broomfield, CO 80020

Katrice Stover is the Community and Office Manager for Flying Pig Designs LLC. She’s passionate about providing informative, engaging content for inventors, creatives, engineers, and industry professionals alike. In her spare time, you can find her dancing with her daughter, playing video games, and dying her hair vibrant colors.